
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on lokakuu, 2019.

Learning in different phases: What teachers should know

Research in developmental psychology has a tradition of just over 100 years. The first work on the subject was "The soul of a child" written by the German physiologist William Preyer (Ruoppila 1995). Children's intelligence and cognitive development were initially studied mainly through questionnaires. The aim was to correct and prevent developmental delays. Big names in developmental psychology include Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, Jean Piaget, Lev S. Vygotski and Erik. H. Erikson. Key concepts in developmental psychology include biological maturation theories, environmental learning theory, constructivist theories, and cultural development theories (Cole & Cole 1993). Essential research questions include the continuity or discontinuity of development, the question of what makes a person develop, how much the environment affects, how much genes affect, and how individual differences are formed. A related discipline is Social Psychology (Korkiakangas 1995). It typ...

Different human perceptions and future of learning

The technological advancements transform our society at such a rapid pace, that it is difficult to foresee what kind of knowledge and skills the future adults need. It seems clear, however, that teaching and learning needs to adapt to fulfill those (yet unknown needs). According to Linturi (2014), this means that teaching and learning will be personalized, and it will be more focused on teaching skills than transferring knowledge. The responsibility of learning will be transferred from the teacher to the learner. Since society is more and more socially constructed it is essential to learn co-operation and working in groups.  When considering these changes in the light of different human perceptions we notice that there are some challenges to consider (in red color in the figures above and below). There is no big change in the light of human perceptions on whether the students are taught skills or knowledge. The present system is easy to apply ( Behavioristic, Freudian, K...