
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on elokuu, 2019.

Skills mapping at the beginning of pedagogical studies

It is pretty good idea to do a skills mapping test in the beginning of the studies. I see all the areas that I will (hopefully) develop during the studies. These are divided into themes:  Basic pedagogics: I notice that I lack a lot of knowledge about “central principles of pedagogics”, education politics and knowledge about the phases in human development. I am rather skilled in understanding education as one of core tasks of the society, though.  Teaching, guiding and evaluating: Since I have studied so much before, many practices are quite familiar. For example I know that it is essential to stick to the educational plan and the personal skills and former studies affect the personalizing the studies. I am not sure if I can recognize the talents of the students and I very interested learning more about that. I am pretty impressed that one of the goals is to learn “how to recognize personal needs in order to strengthen development of identity and self-image”. ...

Encountering digital applications

There are plenty of digital applications that can be used for teaching or studying in small groups. Since all these applications (except Skype) are new for me, they seem complicated at first. However, once tested it is clear that these save time and energy, when I do not have to leave my home office.  We tested  Zoom  meeting place at school in the second day. It seems pretty simple and an excellent tool for giving lectures. I have used Cisco Webex before which seemed simpler, but I guess Zoom was ok.  For video sharing  Youtube  seems the obvious choice. I have been testing video making before; there are (in Finnish) videos about how voters behaviour is affected by the colour of candidates shirt  ,  what kind of slogan the candidate uses ,  how to use Twitter and Facebook in when running for office   and how to organize an efficient election event  .  For document sharing and co-working we have been using  Goog...

About this blog...

This blog is about reflecting my studies of pedagogics 1.8.2019-30.11.2020 in Hämeenlinna Ammattikorkeakoulu (in southern Finland) and combining the pedagogics studies with my former research. I have studied human behaviour and especially the subtle underlying psychological mechanisms of decision-making. My dissertation about the “Consumer Media Choice – Towards a Comprehensive Model” is under review. I hope to defend it next spring.  As studying to be a Finnish Teacher for adults and teenagers I am especially interested in barriers to learning, role of expectations in learning (and expectations management) and self-rewards systems.   These themes are connected to my former research about barriers to buying (or deciding), expectations management in marketing and identity related consumption motives.  Furthermore, I am extremely interested in Future Studies and I have published few papers related to future of consumption, media choices and voter decision ma...