Skills mapping at the beginning of pedagogical studies
It is pretty good idea to do a skills mapping test in the beginning of the studies. I see all the areas that I will (hopefully) develop during the studies. These are divided into themes: Basic pedagogics: I notice that I lack a lot of knowledge about “central principles of pedagogics”, education politics and knowledge about the phases in human development. I am rather skilled in understanding education as one of core tasks of the society, though. Teaching, guiding and evaluating: Since I have studied so much before, many practices are quite familiar. For example I know that it is essential to stick to the educational plan and the personal skills and former studies affect the personalizing the studies. I am not sure if I can recognize the talents of the students and I very interested learning more about that. I am pretty impressed that one of the goals is to learn “how to recognize personal needs in order to strengthen development of identity and self-image”. ...